Thursday, December 08, 2005

Supreme Court

A while ago I had the opportunity to listen to a tape of the Supreme Court in session ( A first time ever made public release.) From the conversations going on I came to the conclusion that the Justices had no clue as to the issue before them. They were off on their own adgenda, irregardless of that particular issue before the Court. They enjoyed the sound of their own voices. Speaking about other issues each having different stories. Not related to the issue before them.

The Supreme court should not be a lifetime appointment. When the law setting up the Supreme Court was enacted Americans were un-educated and had no idea that a lifetime could be 70+ years. At that time an elder citizen might reach 32- 35 years old. When I was 35 years old I knew it all, didn't want to hear what you had to say. I was right. Looking back. "Had no clue". Time and education helped me change my mind on many issues. I was for the Viet Nam war until I saw the light (not really, no light) my better half convinced me that I was wrong. My stand on abortion was firmly in place but as more and more facts came out my view changed.

At various points in life a person changes. We become more worldly, more open minded we listen to what other people say. It's called input.
Rulings made in past cases show us that this not the case with some Justices already on the court. Their stand on issues, carved in stone. Several important issues will be coming to the court and new appointees must have an open mind. When years and years of rulings or recommendations show a person staying the course, something is wrong.

Forget about Saddam. He can't hurt us. The next appointed Justice can. Saddam can't hurt our social security programs: Saddam can't hurt our abortion issues: Saddam can't hurt our separation of church and state issues: Saddam can't enforce more and more Patriot Acts. Freedoms have already been taken away from us. But a bad Supreme Court Justice can cause major damage to our country and its citizens. Little by little if a bad Justice is appointed more and more of these things will be whittled away from Americans.

The media must look into rulings and recommendations made by the newest nominee and publish or broadcast their findings. An old acquaintance once said. What's the worst thing that can happen to you. They can't cut you up and eat you. King George isn't going to cut you up and eat you "Media people".
But you might be fired or asked to resign!

That's what I see FROM MY SIDE OF THE ROOM. Charlie


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