Friday, August 18, 2006

The War in Iraq is over::: But Americans have not been told. The media just isn't covering it. Out of sight. Out of mind. It must be over. In July 3,600 civilians were wounded 3,438 were killed. 6,000 civilians killed in May and June but the media covers stories about alleged terrorists in England. Terrorists who have not made bombs, have no plane tickets and have no passports. Terrorists? Take the war in Iraq out of the headlines. The media is covering the Jon Bonet story. A story that may or may not be a hoax. Take the war in Iraq out of the headlines. 2,600 troops killed. 20,00 to 48,000 wounded but the media covers the war in Israel (supported by and armed by the U.S.A.) Take the war in Iraq out of the headlines. I recommend "the Nexes of politics and Terror by Olbermann. He takes the opportunity to shows Americans how the white house controls the media. I'm feeling like Don Quixote. I'll ride off on Rosinante and let the religious zealots run the world. At least I won't have to go to church to justify my stand on issues. God hasn't spoken to me you see. And that's the way I see it FROM MY SIDE OF THE WORLD. Charlie


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